The Booty Report

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Arrr, will the landlubber's Hospital-at-Home be the talk o' the seven seas, aye or nay?


Arrr matey! A fine scroll from JAMA be tellin' us that nearly half o' landlubbers be willin' to have their ailments treated at home, while over a third be sittin' on the fence like a parrot on a ship's railing. Avast, what a curious crew we be!

Avast ye landlubbers and scallywags! A mighty survey, released in the hallowed pages of JAMA, hath revealed a curious treasure: nearly half o' the land dwellers be willin' to swap the dreary confines of a hospital for the comforts of their own ships—err, homes! Aye, it seems that a fair number o' ye landlubbers be wishin' to lay yer heads down in yer own bunks, rather than sleepin' with one eye open amongst the groanin’ and moanin’ o' the sickly.

But hold yer horses, for there be more to this tale! More than a third o' the folks be sittin' on the fence like a parrot on a perch, bein’ neutral as a ship without sails. These wary souls ain’t sure if they'd rather be nursed by the good folk of the sea, or if they'd prefer the good ol’ fashioned care at the local hospital. It be a puzzler, mateys! Should ye keep yer treasures close at home or trust the healers in their ivory towers?

So, let it be known across the seven seas! The winds of change be blowin', and the tide be turnin’ towards hospital-at-home! Arrr, what be next? Hospital in a bottle, perhaps?

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