The Booty Report

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Arrr, the IDF sent a scallywag commander to Davy Jones' locker for messin' with wee lads kickin' the ball!


Arrr! The IDF be shoutin’ that Fuad Shukr, the swashbucklin’ Hezbollah captain servin’ as the right-hand matey to ol’ Hassan Nasrallah, met his watery fate in an airstrike on the high seas of Lebanon this past Tuesday! Aye, a right tragic tale for a scallywag!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather ‘round, for I’ve news from the high seas of conflict! The Israel Defense Forces, those scallywags, be havin' declared the end o' one Fuad Shukr, a right nefarious commander of the Hezbollah crew, known for sendin' drones to rain mischief upon twelve wee lads and lasses! Aye, he be known as Hajj Mohsin, a pirate of the skies since 1985, with a bounty on his head from the U.S. fer his dastardly deeds back in ‘83.

This Shukr, he was a top dog in the Hezbollah ship, givin' advice to the captain, Nasrallah himself, when the IDF’s cannonballs found him in Beirut! The IDF proclaimed the elimination of this “terrorist” with much fanfare, but Hezbollah, true to form, be keepin’ mum on the matter.

Recently, this ruffian caused quite the stir, causin’ grief in a soccer match that turned into a scene of sorrow. Israeli cannons returned fire, sendin' missiles flyin’ like seagulls at a feast! The message be clear, say the IDF; they be willin' to stir the waters of war if need be. So, keep thy eye on the horizon, me mateys, for the waters be choppy and the winds of conflict be blowin' strong!

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