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Arrr! With demos flooding Steam, some salty devs fear Valve's fix be sinkin' indie games to Davy Jones' locker!


Arrr, matey! If them demo sails be settin’ course on the chart, the wee indie games might be hidin’ like scallywags in a crow’s nest. Less sight fer the new treasures, I say! So hoist the Jolly Roger and let the indie gems shine bright! Yarrr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the curious winds blowin' through the seas of the gaming world. It seems that the merry folk of indie game creation be hoistin' their sails, but alas, there be a storm brewin' with them newfangled demos poppin' up like barnacles on a ship’s hull!

In days of yore, a fine indie treasure could catch the eye o' scallywags far and wide, but now it be lookin’ like these demos be blockin’ the view like a raucous crew singin’ shanties over a siren’s song! Aye, when a new game be struttin’ its stuff on the charts, it finds itself in a tussle with these pesky demos that be hoggin’ the limelight, makin’ the indie gems harder to spot than a mermaid in a storm.

So, what’s a poor game developer to do? Shiver me timbers! They be needin’ to make their creations shine brighter than a gold doubloon in the sun! Perhaps they ought to dance a jig or charm the sea serpents for a sprinkle of good fortune. For if these indie games don’t catch the gaze of the landlubbers, they’ll be left adrift in the vast ocean of obscurity! Yarrr, let the games be played and the demos be tamed!

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