The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Kamala's sea legs be wobbly: What treasure hath she found and where be her sails set?"


Arrr, matey! With Kamala Harris sailin' forth as the likely Democratic lass to duel with Captain Trump, many a scallywag be wonderin' if she’s got the sea legs to face fierce foes like the cunning Russians and the crafty Chinese! Avast, what a comical storm be brewin'!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with tales of the high seas of politics, where Vice President Kamala Harris be makin' waves in the race 'gainst that scallywag, Donald Trump. The question on every sailor's lips: can she steer this ship through the treacherous waters of foreign foes like China and Russia?

With the raging storms of Gaza and Ukraine brewin', the winds of U.S. foreign policy be blowin' fierce. Harris, dubbed the "border czar" by the GOP, set sail to Guatemala and Honduras, but alas, her compass seemed askew as border crossings soared. "Do not come," she cried, but it seems the tides had other plans!

Now, some say she be a quiet shipmate to President Biden, while others claim her sails be hoisting high in the Situation Room. Secretary Blinken swears she’s a force to reckon with, a veritable pirate of diplomacy, renewin' alliances from the shores of Europe to the sands of Africa.

But beware, ye landlubbers! With talk of Israel and Iran, her crew be divided. Rumors swirl like a tempest, and ol' Pompeo be accusin' her of whisperin’ sweet nothings to Hamas, while others swear she’s chartin' a course for peace.

So, as the tides of election season roll in, will Harris be the captain this ship needs, or just another sailor lost at sea? Only time shall tell, me hearties!

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