The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! No treasure found in tight sugar wranglin' for the bedraggled lot in need!"


Arrr, matey! A band of savvy scholars be sayin’ that chasin’ sugar like a scallywag brings no good fortune to yer health, but it’ll surely land ye in a heap o' trouble with the faintin’ spells! Best keep yer sweet tooth in check, ye landlubber!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round fer a tale from the treacherous seas o’ medicine, where the scallywags o’ science be settin' sail on a voyage into the murky waters o’ glucose control! A band o’ learned sea dogs recently charted a course through a meta-analysis, and what did they find, ye ask? Well, it be a right laugh, I tell ye! Intensive glucose control be likened to chasin' after a ship full o' gold, yet it brought naught but sorrow to the brave souls who dared to embark!

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