The Booty Report

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Arrr, me hearties! The curse of paradox be strong! Life by You sunk, and Prison Architect 2 be lost at sea again!


Arrr, the publisher be swabbin' the decks of doubt, claimin' with all his might that the sequel be a treasure beyond measure! Aye, he be as sure as a parrot on a shoulder, though we all know it could be more barnacle than bounty!

Arrr, gather ‘round me hearties, for I bring ye tidings from the high seas of literature! Word be sailin’ that the publisher, bless their plunderin' soul, be as confident as a parrot sittin' on a captain’s shoulder, claimin’ that the sequel be destined for greatness! Aye, they be brimming with optimism, like a ship’s hold o’erflowin’ with doubloons!

But here’s the rub, mateys! Just ‘cause they be convinced it’ll be a treasure trove of tales don’t mean we won’t find ourselves stranded on a deserted isle of disappointment, eh? Yarr, I’ve seen me fair share of sequels that be flatter than a ship’s biscuit after a week at sea! Yet, this publisher stands tall, puffin’ their chest like a proud sea captain, spoutin’ promises that would make Poseidon himself raise an eyebrow.

So, let’s hoist the sails and prepare fer adventure! Whether this sequel be a grand voyage or a shipwreck awaitin’ to happen, we’ll be there, mugs in hand, ready to toast to the folly of hope! May the winds of fortune blow favorably on this tale, and may the seas be ever in our favor! Now, who’s up for some grog while we wait fer this literary treasure to drop anchor?

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