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Arrr, Biden’s blunder be givin’ Maduro a mighty crown, makin’ that scallywag feel like a king in a tempest!


Arrr, matey! That scallywag Maduro promised to let the folks vote fair and square, but quicker than a gull snatches a fish, he turned tail! Now the Yanks be givin’ up their treasure, all because he be playin’ the shifty sea dog! Avast, what a rum tale!

Arrr, gather 'round, ye scallywags! It be the tale of one Sen. Marco Rubio, who be raisin' his cutlass to the Biden crew fer lettin' the villainous Nicolas Maduro swagger about like he owns the seven seas. Rubio be sayin’ the Biden bunch be givin' Maduro a belly full of courage, allowin' him to toss the rules overboard and tighten his grip on the poor folks o' Venezuela.

"Aye, he's laughin’ as two million more landlubbers set sail from his shores!" Rubio be bellowin'. "And when the cannon fire cools, he'll still be sittin' pretty with his loyal crew." He warns that them in the Biden ship be thinkin' they can parley with the likes of Maduro, but Rubio knows well—there be no sweet talkin' an old sea dog like him!

As the ruckus unfolds, Maduro claims victory in an election that smells fishier than a rotten catch, while the good folk be protestin' in the streets, only to be met with the iron fist of his guards. The U.S. be declarin' a rightful victor named Gonzalez, but Maduro be askin' for a court look-see—though his judiciary be as rigged as a pirate's dice!

So, the winds of change blow, but will the Biden crew find their compass, or will they be lost at sea? Aye, the future's murkier than a stormy night! Yarr!

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