The Booty Report

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Arrr, how be them healers of the sea differin' in sendin' the scallywags to Davy Jones' locker?


Arrr, matey! Those landlubbin’ researchers be reckonin’ how often them cancer doc’s be handin’ out their potions in the final thirty sunsets o’ a sailor's life! Aye, that be a fine topic for the scallywags at Medscape Medical News, savvy?

Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to a tale from the treacherous seas of medicine, where brave oncologists be chartin' the stormy waters of cancer therapy, even in the final days of a landlubber's life! Aye, researchers be estimatin' how many of these fine healers be administerin' their potent remedies when the sands of time be slippin' through the hourglass.

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