The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Early doctorin' after the shipwreck be keepin' ye from swimmin' with Davy Jones, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! A jolly band o’ scallywags found that if ye be startin’ yer potion fer that pesky opioid trouble after a visit to the healer, ye be less likely to meet Davy Jones within six moons! Aye, that’s the word from the good ol’ Medscape!

Ahoy, ye landlubbers! Gather 'round me hearties, for I be bringin' ye tidings of a wondrous discovery from the realm of medicine! Aye, a study o' great import be revealin' that when scallywags be takin' their medicine for that cursed opioid use disorder right after bein' treated in a hospital or emergency den, they be lessenin' their chances o' meetin' Davy Jones, both in fatal and nonfatal overdoses, six moons later!

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