The Booty Report

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"Arrr, the grandest matey of the Olympics, aye! Ye be sportin' more flags than a ship in full sail!"


Arrr, be there a soul as fired up fer the Paris Games as our matey Antoine Griezmann? Methinks not! That scallywag's more thrilled than a parrot at a cracker buffet! Savvy?

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round fer a tale of a scallywag named Antoine Griezmann, who be more excited than a parrot spyin' a treasure chest o' gold! Aye, the Paris Games be a-comin', and this swashbucklin' lad be bouncin' about like a fish outta water! It be hard to imagine any soul with more fervor than this bearded buccaneer, for he be livin' and breathin' the spirit of competition!

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