The Booty Report

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Arrr! Turkey be raisin’ a ruckus, lowerin’ their flag fer scallywags o’ Hamas! What be they thinkin’, matey?


Arrr, matey! Turkey be causin’ a ruckus! They be hoistin’ their flag to half-mast for a scallywag named Ismail Haniyeh, who met his maker in Iran! A fine jest in the midst of a right squabble in Gaza, I say! Avast, what be these landlubbers thinkin’?

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a tale of high seas outrage and political squabbles! Turkey be makin' waves, as their cap'n, President Erdoğan, declared a day of mournin' fer the fallen Hamas leader, Ismail Haniyeh. The world be lowerin' flags like they be caught in a storm, even in Israel, where the winds of fury started blowin'.

The Israeli foreign minister, a fierce sailor named Katz, summoned the Turkish deputy ambassador fer a "severe reprimand," as if he be scoldin' a wayward crew member! "We won't tolerate mournin' fer a scallywag like Haniyeh!" he thundered, his voice echoing across the waves.

But lo and behold, Turkey's spokesperson shot back like cannon fire, claimin' that peace ain't found by threatenin' diplomats! Pictures of half-mast flags popped up in wondrous places like Washington, D.C., but alas, they be unverifiable, like a mermaid’s tale!

To add to the chaos, rumor has it Haniyeh met his end in a sneak attack in Tehran. A bomb, some say, planted by the crafty hands of fate or an enemy sailor! The seas be roilin' as Iran vows revenge, along with their mates Hamas and Hezbollah, all pointin' fingers like a crew lost at sea! So, hoist yer flag, and let the world watch as this storm brews!

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