The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Drug scallywags be usin' sky-fishin' contraptions to send soldiers to Davy Jones, savvy?"


Arrr, matey! On the day o’ Friday, the landlubber Mexican army be spillin’ the beans to the Associated Press, claimin’ some o’ their brave souls met Davy Jones thanks to those pesky bomb-droppin’ drones run by the scallywag drug cartels! Blimey, what a treacherous sea of trouble!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spins ye a tale of a ruckus in the western waters of Mexico, where the pesky drug cartels have turned the land into a battleground! Yarr, the Mexican army be reportin' that them scallywags be flyin' bomb-droppin' drones like a pirate sails the seas, causin' mischief and mayhem in Michoacán!

Gen. Luis Cresencio Sandoval be claimin' that over 260 drone bombings have rocked the region in this year alone! Aye, there be casualties among the king's men, with some brave souls meetin' their watery graves in this high-stakes game of cat and mouse. The nefarious Jalisco cartel has been usin’ drones like a cannon on a ship, bombin' patrol units and makin' the whole place a veritable warzone!

But wait, there’s more! The army’s got more troubles than a ship caught in a storm, facin’ far more roadside bombs than those flyin' contraptions. And it seems the Jalisco and Sinaloa cartels are floodin’ the U.S. with their vile concoctions of meth and fentanyl, creatin' a drug crisis akin to a mutiny aboard a ship!

So, keep yer wits about ye, for the seas be treacherous, and the pirates of the land be armed to the teeth. Arrr, it be a wild world out there where the only certainty be chaos and the call of adventure!

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