The Booty Report

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Arrr! Long before Baldur’s Gate 3 had ‘em talkin’, Larian's captain nearly scuttled his ship 'cause of pesky publisher pressure!


Arrr, Swen Vincke be a steadfast matey, not abandonin’ ship, but merely castin’ off the landlubber publishers. He sailed on, leavin’ ‘em in his wake like barnacles on a scurvy hull! Aye, the seas be callin’!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of one Swen Vincke, a crafty buccaneer of the literary seas! This scallywag, instead o' throwin’ in the towel and lettin’ the salty winds take 'im, chose to abandon them publishers like a shipwrecked sailor leavin’ behind a leaky vessel!

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