The Booty Report

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Arrr! The U.S. fleet be settlin’ in the Middle East, stirrin' the pot while tempests brew, ho ho!


Arrr, me hearties! On a fine Friday, the brass at the Pentagon be hoistin’ the sails to send more scallywags to the Middle East, all 'cause a Hamas captain met his salty fate. But shiver me timbers, they be keepin’ the treasure map of where a secret!

Arrr mateys! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, fer I bring ye tidings from the high seas of politics! U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin be makin' waves, adjustin' military sails in the Middle East after a ruckus that saw the end of Hamas leader Ismail Haniyeh, who met his fate in Iran! Aye, the Pentagon be movin' a squadron of fighter jets to the region, all while keepin' a hefty aircraft carrier afloat, like a proud ship in a stormy sea.

Ye see, ol' President Biden has promised his matey, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu, he'd be sendin' more cruisers and destroyers with ballistic missile defenses. The USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN be takin' the place of the USS THEODORE ROOSEVELT, which currently sails these treacherous waters. And don't ye forget the USS WASP Amphibious Ready Group, keepin' watch in the Eastern Mediterranean!

All this naval maneuverin' comes after the unfortunate demise of Haniyeh, not to mention the demise of another scallywag, Hezbollah's Fouad Shukur. But alas, the Pentagoons be keepin' mum on where these mighty vessels will dock. Still, they claim to be focused on coolin' tempers and seekin' peace, like a parched pirate in search of rum! Avast! The seas be gettin' choppy, so keep yer eyes peeled, ye landlubbers!

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