The Booty Report

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"Arrr, monoclonal antibodies be makin' waves in the fight against the Sjögren scallywags, me hearties!"


Arrr, me hearties! The DAHLIAS crew be singin’ shanties o' victory fer nipocalimab and the TWINSS lads be raisin’ a toast fer iscalimab! But alas, poor lusvertikimab be walkin’ the plank! Aye, that’s the way of the seas! <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin’ the beans!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the curious happenings in the realm of potions and elixirs! The DAHLIAS study, like a fine treasure map, led to bountiful results with nipocalimab, makin' our hearts sing like a siren's song! Then there be the TWINSS study, where iscalimab set sail on smooth seas, bringin' forth favorable winds for the crew of science!

But lo and behold! A dark cloud loomed over the trial of tibulizumab, yet it too found a glimmer of hope in its phase 1 voyage. Aye, it be a mixed bag of fortunes on that front! However, not all tales be filled with good cheer, for the dastardly lusvertikimab sank like a ship in a stormy sea, bringin' tidings of woe to the crew of researchers. Talk about a hull breach!

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