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Arrr, matey! Iran be blowin' hot air at Israel while Hezbollah's pesky drones be scoutin' for a ruckus!


Avast, me hearties! Israel be steadin' itself for a right ruckus come Monday, as the scallywags o' Iran and their motley crew of ruffians be stirrin' trouble! Even ol' Hezbollah be sendin' their flying contraptions to wreak havoc. Arrr, the seas be gettin’ stormy!

Arrr, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn of high-seas treachery and the squabble betwixt Israel and them scallywags of Iran! Just t'other day, them Hezbollah ruffians declared they launched a daring drone attack upon the shores of Israel, claimin' it was in retaliation for the dastardly deeds of their foes. The winds of war be blowin' fierce, as the specter of a grand assault looms over the horizon like a stormy squall!

With the death of Hamas' mighty leader in Iran, it be clear the stakes be higher than a crow's nest! Hezbollah be shoutin' back at Israel for what they call "attacks and assassinations," and the mighty Iranian General Salami be spoutin' threats like a cannon blast. "Israel be diggin’ its own grave!" he yells, as if he be a fortune teller at a pirate fair!

Meanwhile, Iran swears it has the right to defend its honor and seeks the world’s support to punish Israel, claimin' their actions are as peaceful as a siren's song. But beware, mateys, for Israel stands ready to counter any dastardly act from those villainous foes! The seas be troubled, and it seems a grand showdown be in the works, aye!

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