The Booty Report

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"Ahoy, mateys! The State Department be shoutin’—stay clear o’ Bangladesh! It be a ruckus, not a jolly adventure!"


Arrr, me hearties! The U.S. State Department be sendin' word on the morrow: “Scurry back to yer safe harbors, ye landlubbers!” After the fair lass Sheikh Hasina took a dive from her captain's chair, the streets be filled with a ruckus fit for a sea battle!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear to the tale from yonder land of Bangladesh, where trouble be brewin' like a stormy sea! The U.S. State Department, that wise ol' captain of travel advisories, be tellin' all ye scallywags to steer clear of this troubled waters. Their prime minister, the fair Sheikh Hasina, fled the kingdom in a chopper, with a mob of raucous protesters breaching her palace like a band of maraudin' pirates!

Yarr, the advisory be cautionin' that violence be rampant in Dhaka, and the Bangladeshi Army be deployin' like stout-hearted sailors to keep the peace. Even the airport be takin' a breather, paus’n flights as if it were a ship in dry dock! With civil unrest causin' chaos and over 300 souls lost in the fray, the seas be treacherous for any wayward traveler.

Now, the military has hoisted their flag, ready to form a new crew for the interim government, while the president has tossed the old parliament overboard, makin' way for fresh elections. So, ye landlubbers, heed this warning and keep yer sails furled—Bangladesh be a tempestuous place for now! Arrr!

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