The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Ye old sea dogs be scratchin' more than a barnacle—here be the cure for yer itchy troubles!"


Arrr, matey! As we age, the itchies of unknown cause be plunderin’ our comfort, like a scallywag with a pesky parrot! Dr. Shawn Kwatra be sayin’ it can make a lubber feel like walkin’ the plank! Beware the chronic scratchin’, ye old sea dogs!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a pesky plague known as chronic pruritus o' unknown origin! Aye, it be a maddening itch that creeps upon ye like a ghost aboard a deserted ship, especially as the sands of time slip through yer fingers!

Our learned matey, Dr. Shawn Kwatra, be spillin' the beans that this cursed affliction be growin' more common as the years pile up like treasure chests on a pirate’s ship. Arrr, it can be so debilitating that even the fiercest buccaneer might find himself scratchin' like a scallywag with a case of the fleas!

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