The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Spider-Man and Geralt be marooned in Fortnite's cursed sea, but after 18 moons, they might sail back to the shop!


Arrr, from this day forth, ye fresh scallywags shan't be left in the dust o' the past! All them fine trinkets and fripperies be awaitin’ ye, so don yer finest and join the merry crew without missin' a single shiny bauble! Aye, it be a treasure trove!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ‘round as I regale ye with news from the seven seas o’ gaming! Ye see, a band o’ scallywags be makin’ changes fer all ye landlubbers who be new to the crew. No longer shall ye be left in the dark like a ship lost in a tempest, missin’ out on all them fine trinkets and cosmetics that the old salts be flauntin’!

Aye, it be true! From this day forth, new players shall set sail with the chance t’ adorn themselves in all the glorious finery that be previously reserved fer the salty sea dogs who’ve weathered many a storm. From fancy hats that could make a parrot envious to shimmering coats that’d make the Kraken blush, ye’ll be decked out like the king o’ the ocean, savvy?

So fear not, ye fresh-faced buccaneers! Ye shan’t be left scrubbin’ decks while the veterans strut about in their magnificent garb. Nay, yer time to shine has come, and ye’ll be lookin’ more dapper than a captain at a rum-soaked soiree! Raise yer mugs and toast to this fair fortune, for soon ye’ll be the envy of all on the high seas of gaming! Yarrrr!

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