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Arrr! Israel be swearin’ to send the new Hamas scallywag to Davy Jones’ locker for the Oct. 7 mischief!


Arrr, matey! Israel be swearing on the high seas to send that scallywag Yahya Sinwar to Davy Jones' locker, ‘tis true! After the fall of Ismail Haniyeh, they be lookin' to plunder his new position like a treasure map gone wrong! Avast, the pirate politics be a-temptin'!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round as I regale ye with news from the high seas of conflict! The Israeli scallywags be settin' their sights on the new captain of the Hamas ship, Yahya Sinwar, who’s just taken the helm after the dirty deed of assassinating old Ismail Haniyeh. Aye, Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari declared that Sinwar belongs with the likes of other notorious knaves, meetin' his fate akin to the fallen commander of Hamas' crew.

The winds be blowin' fierce, as Israel claims to have sunk the ship of Mohammed Deif, the chief buccaneer of Hamas' military wing, though the scallywags of Hamas be mum on his demise. Blinken, the U.S. Secretary of State, be sayin' that Sinwar holds the keys to peace, like a captain steerin' a ship toward calmer waters, but it be all up to him whether he be takin' that course or stayin' in the storm.

With words sharper than a cutlass, Hagari called Sinwar a "terrorist" responsible for the most brutal raid in history, the October 7th massacre. And so, as the tides turn, we wonder if this new leader will find the treasure of peace or continue plunderin’ the seas of chaos. Avast, what a jolly roger this tale be!

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