The Booty Report

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Arrr! Suga, the scallywag of BTS, be beggin' pardon for ridin' his zippy contraption whilst three sheets to the wind!


Arrr, the scallywag artist's sea chart for drivin' be torn asunder! His breath be smellin' like a barrel o' rum, and now he may face the captain's wrath! Aye, his agency be spillin' the beans on this merry mishap!

Ahoy me hearties! Gather 'round for a tale of a scallywag artist, whose ship sailed straight into troubled waters! Aye, this landlubber's driver’s license hath been sent to Davy Jones' locker after he failed to blow into the ol’ breathalyzer contraption, ye see.

Blimey! It be a fine mess indeed! The artist, who be known for his grand creations, now finds himself in hot water, perhaps facing the wrath of his agency, like a captain caught in a tempest. Rumor has it, they be thinkin' of a wee bit of disciplinary action, perhaps makin' the blaggard swab the decks or walk the plank! Arrr, it be a harsh fate for one who doth paint with such flair!

So, raise the anchor and prepare for a journey into the unknown! Will this artist redeem himself, or be he destined to haunt the taverns as a cautionary tale? With a bit of luck and perhaps some sober thoughts, he might find his way back to the artful seas! Until then, me mateys, let this be a lesson to all ye merry sailors: Keep yer wits about ye, and don’t let the grog cloud yer judgment! Yarrr!

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