The Booty Report

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Arrr! Another scallywag from the New Champions sails in, as Scarlet Witch be teachin' her new matey, Amaranth!


Avast ye! Behold Amaranth, the fresh swab under the watchful eye of the fierce Wanda Maximoff! Aye, this scallywag be learnin' the ropes of magic, or she'll be walkin' the plank! Arrr, mayhaps she'll outshine even the fiercest of sorceresses!

Avast ye hearties! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I be tellin' ye a tale of a lass named Amaranth, a sprightly wench who be under the keen tutelage of the fearsome sorceress, Wanda Maximoff! Aye, this be no ordinary lass, for she be dabblin' in the arcane arts and stirrin' up mischief like a cat o’ nine tails in a barrel o’ rum!

Now, Wanda, the Scarlet Witch herself, be a formidable lady, known far and wide for her whirling spells and mind-bendin’ magic. But what be this? A fresh-faced protege, ye say? Aye, Amaranth be her name, and she’s got a twinkle in her eye and a knack for causing chaos that’d make Davy Jones chuckle! They say she learned to turn mild-mannered sea dogs into squawkin' parrots with but a flick o' her wrist!

As Amaranth sails the stormy seas of sorcery, she be bringin' a fresh breeze to Wanda’s dark and twisty realm. With laughter as boisterous as a ship's crew on shore leave, this duo be ignitin' mischief and mayhem from the high seas to the dark arts! So beware, ye scallywags! When these two witches be workin’ together, nothin’ be safe from their shenanigans! Yo ho ho and a bottle o’ chaos!

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