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Arrr! Puigdemont be slippin' the noose like a slippery eel on his wild return to Spain, savvy?


Arrr! Carles Puigdemont, the scallywag of Catalonia, gave the law a hearty laugh by crashin' a rally in Barcelona, heedless of the arrest warrant! And lo! He made his escape in a copper's own chariot. A fine bit of mischief, that be!

Avast ye landlubbers! 'Twas a grand spectacle in Barcelona, where the former Catalan captain, Carles Puigdemont, dared to show his face after seven long years of skedaddlin' in exile. With police swarming like seagulls at a fish market, he rallied a throng of eager supporters, claimin' to reignite the flames of independence! "They thought me capture would keep us at bay," he bellowed, "but they be sorely mistaken!"

As he finished his rousin' speech, the crafty rogue made off in a white carriage—nay, not a noble steed but a car belonging to a local constable! The authorities, in a right frenzy, launched a mad chase, scratchin' their heads as two of their own were nabbed for their role in this escapade. With traffic turnin' into a chaotic mess and supporters clashing with the coppers, it was a sight to behold!

While the high court barked orders for his capture, Puigdemont slipped through their fingers like a slippery fish. "Aye, 'tis a magic trick!" exclaimed one amazed witness. So, me hearties, the tale of Puigdemont continues, a saga of defiance and whimsical mischief on the high seas of politics! Arrr!

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