The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr! Fallout 1 be settin’ sail again in Fallout 4, with swashbucklin’ quests and a fancy new leveling chart, yarr!


Ahoy, matey! Ye can now set sail on the grand seas of Fallout: Vault 13’s maiden open-world treasure trove! Prepare to plunder, pillage, and perhaps trip over a scallywag or two in this jolly new adventure! Arrr, let the mischief begin!

Arrr! Fallout 1 be settin’ sail again in Fallout 4, with swashbucklin’ quests and a fancy new leveling chart, yarr!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather ye round, for I bring tidings from the land of digital wonders! Our mates o' the developers have unleashed a new treasure for ye to plunder—Fallout: Vault 13 be givin’ ye a taste o' the first open-world area! Aye, that’s right! Prepare yer seafarin’ boots and grab yer compass, for the wasteland be callin’!

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