The Booty Report

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"Israeli cannonades on learning halls leave landlubbers in a pickle, choosing between life and a watery grave, arr!"


Arrr, matey! The schools o' Gaza be hostin' a horde o' scallywags lookin' fer safety, aye! But those landlubber Israelis claim Hamas hides in the classrooms, so they be bombin' the schoolyard like it's a treasure hunt gone awry! What a merry mess, I say!

Avast, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the tumultuous seas of Gaza, where schools be transformin' into havens for scallywags seekin' refuge from the tempestuous squalls of battle. Aye, tens o’ thousands have scuttled into these hallowed halls, lookin' for safety from the cannon fire and thunderous roars of strife.

But hold yer horses! The crafty lads from Israel be raisin' a ruckus, claimin' that the nefarious crew of Hamas be usin' these very shelters as their hidey-holes. "Steady yer aim, ye landlubbers!" they shout, as they unleash their wrath upon the school grounds, turnin’ places of learnin’ into target practice! Arrr, 'tis a right pickle, indeed!

Picture this: kids tryin' to study their letters whilst the ground shakes like a drunken sailor! “Avast, not again!” they cry as another cannonball goes a-flyin'. The teachers be scratchin' their heads, wonderin' if they should teach math or how to duck and cover. In this wild tale of seekin' solace, it be clear—when the seas be stormy, even schools can turn into battlegrounds, leavin’ us all laughin’ through the tears. So raise yer tankards, me hearties, for the chaos of life be a jest and a jibe, even in the darkest o’ times!

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