The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Taylor Swift’s tune turned our lad mad! Neighbors be sayin’ he’s actin’ like a proper scallywag!"


Arrr, the good folk o' Ternitz be spoutin' tales 'bout the antics o' a scallywag suspected o' schemin' to plunder Taylor Swift's shindigs! Methinks he be actin' more like a landlubber than a fearsome pirate! Avast, what a jolly mess!

Ahoy there, me hearties! Gather 'round fer a tale most curious from the land o' Austria, where a lad of mere 19 summers, known as Beran A., hath been caught in a plot most dastardly to wreak havoc at the concerts of the fair maiden, Taylor Swift! Aye, as the winds blew and the tides turned, this scallywag began to grow a beard thicker than a storm cloud, startling his neighbors who swore he became a tad peculiar in his demeanor.

Once a friendly chap, he stopped givin' a hearty wave to the good mother, Nicole, who said he grew all serious-like, hidin' behind his shaggy whiskers. On the fateful morn of his capture, the authorities raided his humble abode, spurred by whispers of a gas leak to clear the area. But lo and behold, they discovered vile concoctions and strange devices fit for a pirate’s mischief!

It seems this lad was allured by the dark tendrils of the Islamic State, spoutin' oaths online like a parrot on a cursed ship. With plans to unleash chaos outside the concert, his heart was set on spillin' the blood of innocents! Ternitz, a sleepy town, now rocked by the storm of radicalization, learns that keepin' an eye on the digital seas be no easy task. So hoist the sails and batten down the hatches, for danger lurks where ye least expect it! Arrr!

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