The Booty Report

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Arrr, King Charles be cheerin’ for grit, not ruckus, after scallywags said he be slackin' in callin' out the chaos!


Arrr, King Charles the Third be speakin' out against the ruckus that’s been settlin' like barnacles on a ship for a week! He caught a fair bit o' flak for not settin' sail against the mayhem sooner. Aye, the crown’s got some splainin' to do!

Ahoy there, mateys! Gather round as I regale ye with the tale of King Charles III, who, whilst baskin' in the Scottish sun, lauded the bravery of the common folk who stood tall against the ruckus caused by a few scallywags! Aye, unrest be settlin' over the United Kingdom like a stormy sea, sparked by the tragic endin' of three young maidens in a brutal attack. But our noble king, he praised the resilience o’ the many who showed compassion amidst the chaos.

Critics be callin’ for his royal lips to part sooner, but the king delivered his words o’ thanks to the brave constables battlin’ the waves of violence. Prime Minister Keir Starmer declared a “standing army” of police would be assembled to quell the riotin’ tides that swept through the land, with nary a stone left unturned!

As false tales spread like wildfire across the seas of social media, the true identity of the assailant was revealed, causin’ quite a stir among the landlubbers. The king’s heart be heavy for the lost young souls, and he extended his condolences to the bereaved families, proving that even a monarchy can feel the weight of sorrow. So, raise yer tankards to unity and respect, for that be the treasure we all seek amidst the tumultuous waves of unrest!

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