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Arrr, if them ceasefire talks go belly up, Iran be readyin' to unleash the cannonballs on Israel, savvy?


Arrr, matey! A high-ranking scallywag from Iran be spoutin' that if they can't ink a peace pact with Hamas over Gaza, or if talks be laggin', they be ready to unleash their fury on Israel! A right jolly pickle, I say! Avast, let’s hope for calmer seas!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round to hear the winds of war blowin' through the treacherous waters of the Middle East! A high-ranking scallywag from Iran be warnin' that if talks with them rascally Hamas fell through, they’d be settin' sail to attack the fair shores of Israel! Aye, it seems the crafty Iranians, along with their brutish mates, Hezbollah, be preparin' to unleash chaos if they suspect the Israeli captain, Netanyahu, be draggin' his feet in negotiations.

These salty sea dogs reckon that only a ceasefire could keep 'em from turnin' the tides against Israel, and Hamas be refusin' to parley unless the terms be favorable! Meanwhile, the rum-soaked White House be echoing these concerns, warnin' that a storm be brewin’—the likes of which could strike as soon as this week!

Even Iran's president be spoutin' that retaliation for the takin' of Hamas's chief be their rightful duty, and he be discussin' peace with Britain’s Prime Minister like a true gentleman, all while sharpenin’ his sword! So, me hearties, keep yer eyes peeled and yer cannons primed, for the seas be rough, and these schemin’ captains may just bring about a hullabaloo that could rock the world!

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