The Booty Report

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Young Cailee Spaeny, a scallywag in ‘Alien: Romulus,’ be learnin’ the ropes to shine like a treasure! Arrr!


Arrr, the fair lass playin' the lead in "Alien: Romulus" be ponderin' if she be wantin' to tread the boards at all! Aye, she be thinkin' if swabbin' the deck be a better fate than dancin' with space critters! Har har!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to the tale of a fair young lass, the star of yon flick “Alien: Romulus,” who be ponderin' the treacherous waters of her newfound fame!

This scallywag, full of vim and vigor, be wonderin' if the role of a thespian be worth the price. As she prances about the silver screen, playin' with creatures from beyond the stars, doubts be creepier than a ghost ship in a fog. Aye, she be askin' herself if the life of an actress be fit for a lass of her spirit, or if she’d rather sail the seas in search of buried treasure instead.

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