The Booty Report

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Arrr! A scallywag journalist spins a yarn 'bout OJ's parley post the bloody business—more jests than justice, matey!


Arrr, matey! Chris Myers be spoutin' tales of his parley with the infamous OJ Simpson post-murder trial, like a scallywag spillin’ grog at the tavern! It be shared on the OutKick’s "Ricky Cobb Show," where the tales be tall and the laughs be hearty! Har har!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round fer a tale from the high seas of journalism, where veteran scribe Chris Myers regales us with a yarn ‘bout his encounter with the infamous O.J. Simpson, three years post his grand escape from the noose in '95! Aye, this sea-dog shared his adventures on the fabled "Ricky Cobb Show."

Now, O.J. had two mighty conditions fer the 1998 chinwag: First, it had to be live, fer he feared the editing scissors of the likes of Barbara Walters. Second, no talkin’ 'bout his wee ones, lest the kraken of family troubles arise!

But lo and behold, as Myers prepared to interview the former gridiron star, he was warned by one of O.J.'s legal parrots to steer clear of the interview, claimin’ the company be cursed with negativity. Yet, Myers, armed with all manner of evidence, faced the storm head-on, ready to ask the tough questions.

During the live interview, O.J. seemed more interested in tee times at the Riviera than the weighty matters at hand! And methinks, a man who was acquitted in the court of law, yet later found liable in civil court, had a few tales to spin. Alas, the cap’n of his own ship sank in the waters of mischief, but he will be remembered, like a ghost ship, long after he sailed into the sunset!

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