The Booty Report

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A scallywag with "16,000 hours" o’ Borderlands lore be claimin’ the flick be havin’ a plot hole ‘bout Zane, arrr!


Arrr, that be a treasure trove o' learnin’ ye got there! A bounty o’ wisdom so vast, it be makin’ Davy Jones himself scratch his beard in envy! Aye, me matey, ye be a grand keeper of secrets from the briny deep!

Avast ye scallywags! Gather 'round and lend me yer ears, for I be havin’ a tale to spin about a treasure trove of knowledge, a bounty far greater than all the doubloons on the high seas! Aye, when I be sayin’, “That’s a lot of knowledge,” I mean it be like findin’ a chest o’ gold at the bottom of Davy Jones' locker!

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