The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! In the land of swarthy sails, dermatomyositis shows its colors at different ages 'mongst the Hispanic crew!


Arrr, matey! A curious study be showin’ that our Hispanic shipmates with that pesky dermatomyositis be sportin’ their own quirks compared to the landlubbers of other lands. Aye, it’s a right riddle of the skin, savvy? <i>Medscape Medical News</i> be spillin' the beans!

Ahoy, matey! Gather 'round, ye scallywags, for I be bringin' ye tidings from the land of medicine that be ticklin' the funny bone! A band of landlubbers, known as researchers, set sail on a quest to uncover the peculiar ways of the dermatomyositis, a beastly affliction that plagues the good folk of the Hispanic seas compared to their non-Hispanic counterparts.

Aye, it seems these brave souls found that the symptoms differ like the rum in a pirate's belly! The Hispanic crew be sportin' some unique telltale signs that make ‘em stand out from the rest—much like a parrot on yer shoulder. The study's findings be as clear as a calm sea, showin' that this dastardly condition don’t play fair across the cultures. It be more than just a scallywag disease; it be a reflection of the diverse crew that sails the oceans of humanity.

Soon, the word will spread across the seven seas, and doctors be takin' note, makin' sure no pirate be left behind in the battle against this villainous ailment! So raise yer tankards high, me hearties, for knowledge be a treasure worth plunderin’, and this study be a gem worth its weight in gold!

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