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Arrr, be the EU's healers turnin' to their own flags instead o' bandagin' the whole crew?


Arrr, matey! Europe’s healers be in a right pickle, with troubles a’plenty! What ye reckon the fresh crew in the Parliament will conjure up? Let’s hope they don’t just swab the deck and call it a cure! Yarrr! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout the sorry state o' Europe's healthcare systems, which be teeterin' on the brink like a tipsy sailor at a tavern! The landlubbers in charge be facin' storms fierce as a kraken's wrath, and we be wonderin' what the newly elected European Parliament be thinkin' to do 'bout it!

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