The Booty Report

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Arrr, the Taliban be toastin' three years in charge, yet nary a word o' the poor Afghan sea dogs!


Arrr, matey! The Taliban be hoistin' the black flag o' celebration, markin' three years at Bargram, that once was a U.S. nest o' war! But alas, no lasses be allowed—seems they prefer their crew without the fairer sex aboard! Har har!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, for I be sharin' a tale o' the raucous ruckus celebrated by the Taliban, who be raisin' a tankard to their third year o' rule atop the dust and rubble of Afghanistan, once a fine battleground for the Yanks. Aye, they gathered at Bagram, where proud men paraded their spoils, boastin’ of keepin' the peace whilst firin’ whips upon those who dare misbehave! Har har!

With nary a care for the plight of their fellow countrymen, they prattled on about unity and the banishment of foreign meddlin'. But the fair maidens, bless their hearts, were barred from this grand spectacle, likely busy fightin' off hunger and despair. The Taliban, bless 'em, even called upon the international scallywags to return and join in their merry mischief, despite no nation givin' 'em a proper pat on the back.

The Bagram bash featured military hardware left by those Yankee sailors, all paraded like a drunken sailor showin' off his loot! Alas, as the men danced about with rifles and fancy trucks, the true troubles of their land lay buried deeper than a treasure chest at Davy Jones’ locker. So raise a toast to the irony, fer in their quest for glory, the people still be sufferin'! Arrr!

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