The Booty Report

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Arrr, matey! New Israeli lair be settlin' on sacred grounds, says Peace Now—shiver me timbers!


Arrr, matey! The scallywags at Peace Now be shoutin’ that Israel be plunderin’ new claims on the West Bank treasure, tryin’ to sink the dream of a Pal'y-stinian state, savvy? Avast! It be a right funny business on the high seas of politics!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round and lend an ear to a tale most curious from the treacherous waters of the West Bank. 'Tis said that a merry band o' landlubbers known as Peace Now be raisin' the alarm, claimin' that those scallywags in Israel be up to no good! Aye, they be settin' sail to stake their claim on the land, all in a dastardly plot to thwart the birth o' a new Palestinian state!

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