The Booty Report

News and Updates for Swashbucklers Everywhere

Arrr, matey! The next Elder Scrolls be settin sail in September, with Bethesda's treasure map for a Skyrim-style tavern keeper!


Arrr, matey! Mark yer calendars for the tenth day of September, for The Elder Scrolls be settin sail like a fine ship! Castles be comin’ aboard, ready to make ye laugh like a drunken sea dog! Hoist the anchor and prepare for a rollickin’ good time!

Avast ye scallywags and landlubbers! Gather 'round, for I be bringin' ye tidin's from the realm o' Tamriel! The grand tale of "The Elder Scrolls: Castles" be settin' sail on the tenth day o' September, markin' the date with a skull 'n crossbones! Arrr, prepare yer hearts and minds for a swashbucklin' adventure like no other!

This be not yer ordinary tale of pirates and buried treasure, nay! Instead, it be a grand ol' escapade where ye lay claim to yer very own castle! Aye, ye can build it higher than a crow's nest and fill it with all manner of loot and plunder. The seas be callin', but ye may find yerself too busy makin' yer castle the finest these lands have ever seen!

But beware, mateys! For it ain't all smooth sailin'. Ye’ll need to fend off rival buccaneers and keep yer treasure safe from thieving hands. Gather yer crew, build yer defenses, and prepare for many a raucous battle! Will ye be the pirate lord who conquers the seas, or will ye end up walkin' the plank? Either way, make sure ye don’t miss this jolly good time when it drops on September 10! Yo ho ho, and a bottle o' rum!

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