The Booty Report

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"Arrr! Low-dose droperidol be a trusty potion for yer emergency woes, savvy? Safe and powerful, like a fine rum!"


Arrr! A study be showin’ that Droperidol, when taken in wee doses, be banishin’ belly aches, queasiness, and the dreaded heave-ho for landlubbers in the emergency bay! Aye, even the FDA be givin’ a nod to this fine potion! Avast, mates!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a curious brew known as Droperidol. Aye, a band o' landlubber researchers did set sail on a mighty quest to discover whether this potion could ease the belly aches and queasies of scallywags stormin' the emergency docks. With a wink and a nod to the FDA, they found that doses below their mighty threshold worked wonders, savin' many a sailor from the clutches of discomfort!

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