The Booty Report

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Arrr, the UN be shoutin’ for a wee pause to battle that scurvy polio in the Gaza seas!


Arrr, matey! Just as the wise cap’n Guterres be soundin’ off, the healers o’ Gaza be spillin’ the beans on the first case o’ the dreaded plague in many a moon! Blimey, it seems trouble be sailin' in on the tide!

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, fer I’ve got a jolly tale from the landlubbers of Gaze, where none other than Secretary General António Guterres, that fine sea captain of diplomacy, be makin' a grand fuss o'er the news! Just as the keepers of health in that sandy cove be shoutin’ out their tidings of doom, sayin' a cursed disease be rearin' its ugly head after many a year of slumber, Guterres be flappin' his gums, makin' public proclamation like a parrot on a shoulder! Arrr!

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