The Booty Report

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Avast! Awkwafina be bound to remember this here play’s monologue like a parrot remembers its squawks, savvy?


“Arrr, 'tis a shiverin’ thought, it be!” exclaimed the comedienne of the silver screen, starin’ in that grand tale “Jackpot!” alongside the mighty John Cena and the dashing Simu Liu. Avast! The very notion sends me bones a rattlin’!

Arrr, matey! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of an actress, a jester of the silver screen, who be shiverin' in her boots! Aye, she be speakin' of a frightful tale, one that sends chills up her spine like a ghostly breeze blowin' through a haunted ship!

This fair lass, star of the grand flick "Jackpot!" alongside the mighty John Cena and the swashbucklin' Simu Liu, be no stranger to folly and fun. Yet even she admits, when the shadows creep and the winds howl, her heart be poundin' like the drums of a ship's crew settin' sail! The mere thought of it sends a shiver, as if a thousand rats be scuttlin' 'cross the deck!

In her jolly jest, she spins yarns of fear and laughter, remindin' us all that even the bravest buccaneers can feel the chill of a ghostly tale. So, me hearties, take heed of her words, for in the world of silver screens and treasure maps, nothin' be scarier than the unknown! Raise yer tankards and laugh, for fear be but a fleeting shadow when ye be sailin' with good company!

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