The Booty Report

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Arrr! Typhoon Jongdari be sailin’ fer South Korea, bringin’ a flood o’ trouble, matey! Batten down the hatches!


Arrr, matey! That ol' tempest be a scallywag, causin' flights to be tossed like a ship in a barrel o' rum! 'Tis settin' sail to dance with the west coast, then crashin' near Seoul come Wednesday! Batten down the hatches, or ye be walkin' the plank!

Arrr, me hearties! A fierce tempest be brewin’ in the southern waters, causin’ all manner of chaos with the airships! Aye, flights be cancelled faster than a scallywag can say “shiver me timbers!” The good folk be left stranded, wonderin’ when they'll be settin’ sail again.

The storm, a growlin’ beast of a squall, be forecasted to dance ‘round the western coast like a tipsy sailor before makin’ landfall come Wednesday near Seoul, that fair city in the east! Aye, it be as if Poseidon himself be throwin’ a grand party, and all us landlubbers be stuck outside!

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