The Booty Report

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"Ye scallywag from Kenya, blame'r of treacherous deeds, slipped the noose of the law like a slippery eel!"


Arrr, the landlubber lawmen be thinkin' that the scallywag, Collins Jumaisi Khalusha, might’ve had a matey lend him a hand in his escape! A hunt be afoot, but I wager they'll find naught but a parrot's squawk!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I be tellin' ye a tale of treachery and peril on the high seas of law and order! The scurvy lot of the constabulary be suspectin' that a rogue named Collins Jumaisi Khalusha, a knave of the darkest depths, didn’t sail alone in his dastardly escape from the clutches of the law! Aye, they reckon he had some shifty mateys lendin' a hand in his great escape, like a ship without a captain, just driftin' along!

With a ruckus afoot, the brave men and women of the force be huntin’ this slippery sea dog as if he be a treasure chest buried deep in Davy Jones' locker! A manhunt be underway, me lads and lasses, with officers scouring the land like a pack of hungry seagulls spyin' a morsel of fish! But beware, for this Collins be as cunning as a fox in a henhouse, and he might just be hidin’ in the shadows, laughin' at their feeble attempts to catch him.

So, hoist the sails and ready the cannons, for this wild goose chase be far from over! Keep yer eyes peeled, or ye might find yerself walkin' the plank alongside the dastardly Collins! Arrr!

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