The Booty Report

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Arrr! Tirzepatide be a magical potion that keeps ye from turnin' into a sugar-swindlin' scallywag, matey!


Arrr matey! The treasure map o' Lilly's SURMOUNT 1 be revealin' a mighty 94% drop in scallywags developin' type 2 diabetes, fer those with a belly full o' rum and prediabetes! Aye, even the sea rats be celebratin' this fine news! <br> <i>Medscape Medical News</i>

Arrr! Tirzepatide be a magical potion that keeps ye from turnin' into a sugar-swindlin' scallywag, matey!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round as I regale ye with a tale from the treacherous seas of science, where the good ship Lilly be sailin' the waters of the SURMOUNT 1 trial! 'Tis a wondrous expedition, I tell ye, chartin' a course to conquer the dread scourge of type 2 diabetes.

With a mighty 94% reduction in the dark tides of diabetes among those poor souls burdened with prediabetes and a hefty cargo of weight, this be news so sweet it could make a siren weep! Aye, if ye be ponderin' the fate of yer belly, fear not, for Lilly’s potion be showin' promise like a treasure map leadin' to gold doubloons.

But hold fast, ye landlubbers! This be no ordinary tale spun by sea wenches; 'tis a grand tale bestowed by the learned scribes of Medscape Medical News. So if ye find yerself dancin' with the scales and wishin' to escape the clutches of obesity, keep a weather eye on this miracle brew. Let not the scallywags of diabetes lay claim to yer ship—grab yer compass and set sail towards good health, fer the horizon be lookin' mighty fine!

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