The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Wilmer the Scallywag, once a sky pirate, caught with naughty scrolls, now prancin' in a Russian tale!"


“Arrr, I be no scallywag of treachery!” exclaimed Wilmer Puello-Mota, who’s taken up arms with the Russian crew. “Just a salty sea dog seekin' a different ship to sail! Avast, me mateys, it’s all in good fun!”

Arrr, gather 'round, ye scallywags, and lend an ear to the tale of one Wilmer Puello-Mota! A landlubber who, in a twist of fate, hath donned the colors of the Russian buccaneers, aye! This fine lad be proclaiming loud and proud, “I don’t consider meself a traitor!” Well, shiver me timbers! What a pickle he finds himself in!

Now, ye see, in the world of piratin’ and plunderin’, a man’s allegiances be as slippery as a greased seabird. Wilmer, bless his heart, hath sailed straight into the arms of the foe, thinkin’ it be a grand adventure. “Join the Russian Navy,” they said, “It’ll be a jolly good time!” But lo, it be a treacherous sea he’s navigatin’! A pirate’s honor be sacred, yet here be a chap who’s swapped his flag for a foreign one!

“Traitor, ye say?” he scoffs, as if he be swappin’ tales over a pint o’ grog. Perhaps he be thinkin’ that loyalty be as changeable as the tides. But mark me words, mates! A true pirate knows that the only treasure worth seekin’ be the loyalty of his crew, not some foreign gold! So here’s to Wilmer, the Russian recruit, sailin’ a stormy sea of confusion and giggles! Arrr!

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