The Booty Report

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"Arrr, Israel 'n Hezbollah be tossin' cannonballs 'cross the watery border, like scallywags in a rum-fueled brawl!"


Arrr, matey! The cannon fire in eastern Lebanon and the Golan Heights be showin’ that all them parleyin’ and chinwaggin’ be for naught, for the squabble in Gaza and the ruckus at the Lebanese border be still thrivin’ like a scallywag with a treasure map!

Arrr, me hearties! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn from the treacherous waters of eastern Lebanon and the Golan Heights, where the cannons be roar’n louder than a drunken sailor on leave! Aye, it seems all the parleyin’ and chattin’ with fine words 'n empty promises be as useless as a ship without a mast. Despite months of yappin’, the ruckus in Gaza be still blowin' like a tempest, and the ruckus on the Lebanese border be risin’ higher than a crow’s nest!

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