The Booty Report

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Arrr! Woodruff be sorry fer thinkin' Trump and Netanyahu be natterin' 'bout a peace truce, matey! What folly!


Arrr, mates! The scallywags who be servin' the two lubbers, who crossed swords last month at Mar-a-Lago, be claimin' that no such parley ever happened! Aye, they be as truthful as a three-legged sea turtle!

Arrr, gather 'round me hearties, for a tale of two scallywags be unfoldin’! Aye, it be last month when two fine lads, who be chums o’ the high seas, did meet at a grand ol’ treasure lodge called Mar-a-Lago. Now, ye might think this be a simple meetin’ of the minds, but nay! Rumors be flyin’ like cannonballs in a storm!

Ye see, the aides o’ these two ruffians be denyin’ all sorts o’ mischief, claimin’ there be no secret parley held on that fine day. “Nay, not a single squawk of a call!” they bellowed, as if they be tryin’ to keep their ship from sinkin’. But we know how it goeth in the world of buccaneers—where there be smoke, there be a bonfire of chatter, aye!

So, as the salty sea breeze blows through the sails, let us ponder the mysteries of these sea dogs and their whispered reckonings. Whether it be truth or tall tales, one thing be certain: the tides of gossip be ever flowin’, and the pirates o’ yore would be shakin’ their heads at the mischief afoot! So hoist the sails and keep yer spyglass handy, for this be a voyage worth followin’!

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