The Booty Report

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Arrr! The landlubber delegates be a-wantin’ a Palestinian tale spun at the DNC, savvy?


Arrr, matey! A ruckus be brewin’ fer a never-endin’ truce in Gaza! They be shoutin’ fer a voice from the land o' the Palestinians to take the ship’s helm. Even kin o’ a captured matey spoke up on the mornin’ tide! Avast, what a jolly hullabaloo!

Arrr! The landlubber delegates be a-wantin’ a Palestinian tale spun at the DNC, savvy?

Ahoy, me hearties! Gather 'round, for I bring ye tidings from the high seas of Gaza! A mighty movement be afoot, callin' fer a permanent cease-fire, as the good folk demand that a voice from the land of the Palestinians takes the stage, savvy? Aye, it seems that even the fiercest of battles can’t silence the pleas of those who be caught in the stormy seas of conflict!

On a fine Wednesday, the kin of a hostage held in this treacherous place stepped forth from the shadows, their hearts heavy like a ship laden with gold. With words as sharp as a cutlass, they spoke of their plight, demandin' that the world lend an ear to their sorrow. “Arrr! We be needin’ peace, not more cannon fire!” they cried, as the winds of change blow ever so fiercely 'round 'em!

So, raise the Jolly Roger, me mateys, and let it be known that the call for peace be ringing louder than a ship’s bell at dawn! We pirates may fancy our rum and treasure, but even we know when it’s time to lay down the swords and seek a fair parley. Mayhaps, the powers that be will listen ere the next cannonball flies!

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