The Booty Report

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"Should all landlubbers with early breast plunder be swabbin' the decks of ART? Aye, what say ye?"


Arrr, matey! Scallywags in lab coats be plunderin' data from lasses with early breast cancer! They tossed 'em into two ships: one sailin' with high-dose radiotherapy and t'other goin' bare! Aye, the seas of science be a wild adventure!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round, fer I be tellin' ye a tale of scallywags clad in white coats, ponderin' the fate of lasses stricken with the dread of early breast cancer. A band o' clever researchers set sail on the treacherous seas of data, judgin' whether our brave damsels be better off under the fierce cannonade of high-dose radiotherapy or if fergo in' the whole blasted affair be a smarter course!

With charts and graphs as their maps, they charted the course o' many a patient, dividin' ‘em into two crews: one crew to endure the fiery blasts of radiotherapy, while the other sailed smooth seas without a care in the world. With quills a-dancin' and eyes a-squintin', they sought the treasure of knowledge hidden amongst the waves of numbers.

As the dust settled and the rum flowed, the researchers be raisin' a toast to their findings, though the details be too tangled like a sailor's knot! But what be clear, me hearties, is that the high-dose treatment be like a cannonball – powerful but not without its risks. So, the next time ye run into a lass with a cancerous foe, remember this jolly tale of science and the pursuit of well-being, arrr!

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