The Booty Report

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Arrr! The sugar trade be shiverin' from tales o' forced belly surgeries in the land o' spices!


Arrr, matey! After a squall o' snoopin' in The New York Times, the industry be inchin' to hoist new sails. Yet, the scallywags in western India be clingin' to their cruel labor ways like barnacles on a hull! Avast, change be a slow tide!

Ahoy, mateys! Gather 'round as I spin ye a yarn 'bout a mighty fine investigation that sailed upon the inked waves of The New York Times! Aye, the scandalous shenanigans of the laborers in western India be comin' to light, and it appears the winds of change be blowin' through the ol' industry!

But lo and behold! The scallywags runnin' these companies be clingin' tighter than a barnacle on a ship's hull to their abusive ways. Aye, they be like a stubborn mule not wantin' to budge! Rather than shiver me timbers and treat their crew with fairness, they be holdin' on to their wicked traditions as if they be treasure untold!

These greedy landlubbers be afraid to toss aside their nefarious practices, thinkin' it be smoother sailin' to keep their plunderin' ways. But fear not, for the tide be turnin’, and the eyes of the world be watchin’! Change be comin', and it be high time for these pirates of industry to swap their cutlasses for compassion!

So here's hopin' that soon, we’ll see a brighter horizon where every sailor on the high seas of labor be treated like the kings and queens they truly are! Yarrr, may fairness reign supreme!

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