The Booty Report

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"Arrr, matey! Doth pleural invasion be makin' early NSCLC a treacherous sea for yer health, or be it just bilge?!"


Arrr, matey! Those scallywags with wee lung troubles and pesky pleural invasions be seein’ more returnin’ troubles than those not plagued by pleura, yet both be sailin’ the same survival seas! Aye, that be the tale from the Medscape treasure map!

Ahoy mateys! Gather 'round and lend yer ears to a tale from the realm of medicine, where the scallywags of lung troubles be causing quite the ruckus! Aye, it be reported that those poor souls sufferin' from the dreaded small cell lung beastie, with their pesky pleurae all invaded, be findin' themselves beset by higher chances of a nasty recurrence. 'Tis like a ghost ship hauntin' the waters, always lurkin' in the shadows, ready to strike again!

Yet fear not, me hearties, for despite these troublesome tides, the overall survival rates for these landlubbers remain as steady as a ship sailin' in a fair breeze. Aye, 'tis a curious twist of fate! Ye see, while the recurrence be higher than a parrot perched on a pirate's shoulder, the goodly folks livin' with node-negative NSCLC be holdin' their own in the great battle against the grim reaper. So, raise yer tankards high, for though the pleural invasion may be a scurvy dog, the overall survival still shines like gold doubloons in the sun!

So, me hearties, let us hoist the sails of knowledge and navigate these treacherous seas of medical mysteries with a hearty laugh and a swig of rum! Arrr!

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