The Booty Report

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Arrr! I be plunderin’ a tome of the century I somehow let slip through me salty fingers!


Arrr, matey! “The Last Samurai,” be not a tale of that landlubber Tom Cruise, but a yarn so fine, it’ll shiver yer timbers! As good as all the scallywags be bleatin’—aye, ye best hoist the sails and give it a watch, or ye be walkin’ the plank!

Arrr matey! Gather 'round, ye scallywags! Let me spin ye a yarn 'bout a tale known as "The Last Samurai," though it be naught the flick with that dashing landlubber Tom Cruise, I swear on me cutlass! This here tale be a treasure worth seekin', a true gem buried deep in the sands of time!

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